#purleydinnerclub vs #croydonriots – a tale of two #Croydon communities

I will remember August 8th for a very long time. Mainly for the riots that plagued the streets of London (and – even closer to home – central Croydon) but also because it was the night of the first #PurleyDinnerClub.

#PurleyDinnerClub is the older, more louche brother of #PurleyBreakfastClub. My vision for both groups is for them to be a focal point for tweeters and non-tweeters in Croydon who want to make friends, connect with their neighbours and develop a more community-focussed mindset.

Tonight’s inaugural event was a reminder that although some aspects of Croydon’s community was in turmoil, there are also groups of people who want to change our fine town for the better and make a discernible improvement to the borough. If it’s just through casual meet-ups with our fellow man, so be it!

Now – more than ever – community-minded groups of closely-knit people who talk, take an interest in each other and tangibly (rather than virtually) connect are needed. I hope #purleydinnerclub is able to make a small contribution to this ideal 🙂

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4 Responses to #purleydinnerclub vs #croydonriots – a tale of two #Croydon communities

  1. Zero G Jenny says:

    It was indeed a good night and I just wish the rest of the area could have had as good a night. What’s happening in Croydon is just awful…. I like rebellion but this is just senseless.

    More #purleydinnerclub and less #croydonriots for the future, please x

  2. Wendy Ager says:

    Here here Jenny,

    More #PurleyDinnerClub and #PurleyBreakfastClub and less #CroydonRiots

    Well done Jonny, it was a great evening despite whatever else was going on, the community spirit was not hindered, in fact, I think it was strengthened.


  3. Pingback: What happened in Croydon last night and our community, by Wendy Ager | Wendy Ager's Blog

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